Brief Intro:
MSc. in Eng. Geology, Shimane University, Japan (Quaternary structurs and slope stability)
- PhD. in Eng. Geology, Kyoto University, Japan (Pore Water Pressure Propagation Modeling in Heterogeneous Soil and Landslide initiation)
- Assistant Professor at Tarbiat Modares University (modares.ac.ir)
- Consultant to "Hydrological Engineering and Water Resources Group" at Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute,Tehran, Iran
- Taught some engineering geology courses at Shahroud University of Technology (shahroodut.ac.ir), and Tarbiat Muallem University (tmu.ac.ir).
Research Interests:
Engineering Geology (Geo-Hazards)
- Slope Stability Modeling
- Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
- Erosion and Sediment Yield
- Soil Hydraulic Modeling (Water Infiltration, Pore Pressure Propagation)
- Thermal and Chemical Migration through Soils in Transient Saturation conditions
Numerical Analysis in Soil Mechanics (Masters)
- Dynamic of Fluids in Porous Media (Doctoral)
Mathematical Modeling in Engineering Geology (Doctoral)
- Artificial Recharge of Groundwater and Subsurface Dams (Masters)